Wading through the Weeds

I started my Saturday in an overgrown flower bed.

I pulled on my work gloves, grabbed my pruners and located the wheelbarrow. After looking at the mess for a moment or two, trying to determine the best plan of attack, I decided there was no wrong way to begin this project. I just started cutting back perennials and pulling out weeds.

I have been trying to be more intentional about having an ongoing conversation with the Lord, so I prayed while I worked. I talked to Him about one thing after the other while going about my business.

While cutting back the dried-up black-eyed susans, I prayed for a young momma whose heart is so broken with grief that she has started to self-destruct. Lord, open her eyes to what is true. Help her to see that You have not left her. Protect her children while she wanders. Bring her back to You.

While walking to the shed for the electric trimmers, I marveled at the early morning sky and praised, Lord, thank You. You are amazing. You are sovereign. You are patient and You are present.

While yanking out thistles and dandelions, I pleaded, Father, heal my friend. Root out all of the infection in his body even as I root out these weeds. Let his family feel Your holy presence and restore them to one another. Glorify Yourself in his illness and in his healing!

While wheeling load after load of weeds and dead flowers to the pasture for the cows, I thanked God for the memories on our little farm and for His continual provision for our family. Lord, your goodness is overwhelming. Thank You for all of the memories we’ve made here at Country Haven. Thank You for the precious people who have lived here with me. Guide them, Lord. Open their eyes even more to who You are and how big You love.

While cutting a few of the remaining zinnia blooms for a pretty bouquet, I thought of a young lady from church who is hospitalized with Covid. Lord, thank you for the improvements she is making. Continue to heal her body as well as her heart. Draw her and her family closer to Yourself. Protect them from the evil one.

I admit that I muttered and chattered and pondered and wept my way through my work this morning. I even chuckled out loud at myself when I skipped over the beautiful web that was situated in a clump of dead, scrubby perennials. The garden spider who had made it sat (stood?) right in its center, ready to rebuild if necessary. I left her home intact and moved on to another area.

I have found myself in a season in which I tend to worry more easily than I used to. I don’t want to carry that burden; it’s not mine to carry. God will carry every burden we leave at His feet–regardless of how often we have placed it there. I don’t always have the luxury of praying out loud while I work, but I’m trying to take advantage of the opportunities when I do. One day last week, I sat in my kitchen rambling to the Lord while peeling apples. I cried that afternoon, too. I don’t think He cared one bit, and Heaven knows I felt better after our chat.

Dear friend, I want to encourage you to talk more to Jesus, too. He is willing to wade into the weeds with you. He will not be shocked by a single thing you say. He will not yell, interrupt, roll His eyes or stare at the TV. He will actually LISTEN to you. And, if you LISTEN to Him, You are sure to feel His response in your heart.

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