Promotional Materials


I love public speaking, and I’ve been doing it for quite a while.  I believe that God has given me a message to share, and I usually feel fairly equipped–through His Holy Spirit–to share it.  Sometimes, though, in new situations, there are enough unknowns to make me a little queasy about my latest venture.

One of those new situations is coming up next week–a statewide convention for home educators.  I’ve been really looking forward to it for a long time.  After all, these are my peeps!  I am passionate about home education!  Now that the convention is so close, though, I am getting to that whole “queasy” part.

Blah, blah, blah.

Earlier this week, I was kind of stressing out about promotional materials.  I mean, I needed something that looked nice, something that fully represented my mission, my passion and my abilities and something that was in my price range.

Stress, stress, stress.

I placed an order for what I thought I wanted, then laid awake that night second-guessing myself.  Was I sure that there were no typos?  Will people get a fair representation of my message?  Did I put the accurate contact information?  Were the colors going to be right?  Should I put the cards on my table in the exhibit hall and hand them out at workshops?  What if I don’t make back my investment?  What if people use them to spit their gum in when it runs out of flavor?

Doubt, doubt, doubt.

After this mental and emotional battle had waged for far too long, I decided to pray about it.  (Yeah…I’m kind of embarrassed that it took me so long…)  As clear as a bell, my heart heard, “You’re not promoting you, Trista.  You’re promoting Me.”


Wow.  I can do that.  I am far too familiar with who I am to be all that great at promoting myself.  But, I can get pretty excited about Who God is and what He has done for me in my heart, in my marriage, in my family and in my home.

Peace.  Peace.  Peace.

3 thoughts on “Promotional Materials

  1. Thanks for the reminder, Trista, that our first resort should be praying. And then the real clincher: That you are doing what you do for HIM, not yourself. Wow. Such a great reminder for your writer friends like me who get caught up in sales numbers, trying to find venues and audiences and get stressed about bottom lines and how many books to have on hand.

    It’s when I stop to remember WHO is in control and let Him take control of my book and my day that I can rest in what he provides and enjoy the journey.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just returned home from the IAHE. I went to both of your workshops and enjoyed both greatly, especially the second one. I’ve been convicted for a long time that we need to show more hospitality in our home. You gave me some great ideas. I even started a list of people to invite before I left the room. You did a great job. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

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